Chaos Genius...

Introducing Chaos Genius for Databricks Cost Optimization

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Right-size your Snowflake Instances 📈

Save upto 30% by tweaking Warehouse sizes & configurations

Chaos Genius Dashboard proividing automated Snowflake Warehouse tuning recommendations

Automated recommendations on Warehouse Tuning

Get automated recommendations on tuning your warehouses

  • Warehouse size
  • Scaling
  • Configurations & Settings
  • Disk Spillage & Queue times

Utilization & Workload scheduling

Identify under-utilized Warehouses & workloads

  • Hourly heatmaps on warehouse usage
  • Optimal workload scheduling
  • Identify spillage hotspots
Chaos Genius —  Identifying under-utilized Snowflake warehouses & workloads
Chaos Genius dashboard optimizing Snowflake Warehouse performance by tracking key KPIs.

Monitor key KPIs across Warehouses

Optimize every Warehouse by tracking key KPIs.

  • Credit Consumption
  • Cost ($)
  • Number of Queries (#)
  • Disk Spillage
  • Utilization & Idle Credits

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