Chaos Genius...

Introducing Chaos Genius for Databricks Cost Optimization

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Actionable Insights on Costs & Usage 📈

All the information on your costs & usage at your fingertips.

Chaos Genius dashboard providing instant insight on Snowflake costs

Easy to use dashboard

Get instant dashbaord to get detailed spend

  • Visbility of spend across compute, storage and data transfer
  • Cost Allocation by users
  • Cost tracking by Warehouses
  • Deep drill downs across multiple dimensions

Daily monitoring & insights

Get latest insights refreshed daily

  • Daily & Hourly Monitoring
  • Upto 12 months data retention
  • Daily tracking in $ figures as opposed to credits
Chaos Genius dashboard displaying daily monitoring & insights of Snowflake costs
Chaos Genius dashboard displaying various Snowflake cost buckets with comprehensive details.

Deep-Dive into different cost buckets

Optimize every cost bucket with service level deep-dives.

  • Top 10 expensive objects by services
  • Sectional deep-dives (e.g. Snowpipe, Auto-Cluster)
  • Uncover hidden costs like Cloud Services

Related Blogs

Everything you need to know on Databricks and Snowflake

Turbo Charge your Snowflake ROI

It takes less than 5 minutes.
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