Chaos Genius...

Introducing Chaos Genius for Databricks Cost Optimization

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Chaos Genius dashboard — Insights into Snowflake database table performance

Explore tables across databases

Get access to all tables across your account

  • Table-level metadata
  • Cost Allocation by tables
  • Insights into storage

Unused tables

Idenitfy unused table across your database

  • Last 90 days insights into read-write across tables
  • Storage cost impact & insights
  • Complete list of unused tables
Chaos Genius dashboard Idenitfying unused table across Snowflake database
Chaos Genius dashboard: In-depth insights on storage billed by Snowflake table

Storage Cost optimization

Optimize storage costs

  • Identify unused tables and storage cost impact
  • Identify most expensive tables
  • Insights into storage type across active, fail-safe and others

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